Monday, August 26, 2013

Officially a Pre-Schooler :)

Last week was C.J.'s first "week" of Pre-K. We got a call last Tuesday about an opening at the Habersham YMCA Pre-school, where C.J. had been on a waiting list since late June. Of course we accepted and went to get all of his paperwork filled out and his registrations completed.
He was so excited when we told him he was going to be starting school. :)
When we arrived at the school, we had a nice meeting with the Director and got a quick tour of the school. Then the paperwork. I guess since I never did it before, it didn't seem like such a big deal until now. So much paperwork....

So excited!!
We had to make a stop at the Savannah Health Dept. to get an Ear, Eye, and Dental check for C.J. and get his immunization record switched from Texas to Georgia. He ended up having to get a Hep-B shot but other than that it was no problem. It was also only a 2-hour wait to get these two documents. (I hope I never have to return there again.)
We went to Target to get his school supply list - many supplies..haha Easily $100 spent. All worth it. I wanted him to be prepared and set for the school year. He was very happy with his Super Mario Bros. backpack. :)
He was a little upset though after he realized he wouldn't be starting that day but quickly got over it as we explained he could start the very next day.

Heading to drop-off.

On Wednesday, bright-and-early, (7am to be exact) we were up and getting C.J. ready for his first day
of school. He was happy and in the best mood the whole time - made the day so much easier for me. I was on the verge of tears at every moment but he kept it together like a big boy for his Mommie and that in return made me keep it together.

The school is about a 25 minute drive from we currently live
but it's fairly easy and we don't hit too much traffic until we are down the road from the school itself.

We walked into the school and headed straight for his classroom to meet his teachers - Mrs. Sherri and Mrs. Katrina. Both sweet, delightful women.
He found his name, sat at his seat, and was ready to go.
No muss, no fuss.
I was so proud....and so emotional. :)

He had a great first day! He didn't nap at school that day but all went well. He told us about what he ate
and how his day went and when we asked him if he made any friends he said no, but it's okay. LOL
We had to laugh. He was so nonchalant about it!
It's like he understood it was just the first day and tomorrow he could make friends.
I can't believe how much he's grown up. And how mature he can be about situations...

Uncle Mike showed up about 4:30 at the apartment, walking through the door with a cake in hand and a candle lit. :)
C.J. was ecstatic! And I was in complete awe - he is the best.
It was a "Happy 1st Day of Pre-school" cake!
This kid is too spoiled by his Uncles. <3

He did so well all last week, every day at drop-off. And every day we pick him up his teachers always have good things to say. He behaves well and does what he's told and he doesn't fight with the other kids (one thing I'll admit, I was a little worried about). He's really been enjoying it. He asks every day if he's going to school. This weekend was tough for him, he kept asking why he wasn't in school on Saturday or Sunday - next week is gonna be worse with the 3-day weekend. :)

He loves school! And I'm so glad he's having so much fun. I hope he continues to do so.
I know it's only the beginning and he still has a long way to go but I want him to continue with this anticipation and excitement.
I pray he makes good choices.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I need a job...

We've only been in Georgia a few weeks now but I've been actively searching for employment since before we left Texas and still....nothing.
Not even a phone call for an interview.
I know I shouldn't be inpatient and things will fall into place on their own.
God is waiting for the right opportunity.
I'm just hoping to get some news soon.
C.J. is going to be heading to school soon and I've just reached the point where I'm ready to return to the workforce as well.
I've filled about 50 applications and sent my resumé to countless companies as well - I pray someone finds me. :)