I am going to change a few things about myself, what I do for C.J. and our daily routine. Things have really changed for us since moving back to Texas and with Erick being gone and with us not being in a place we call "home." I've noticed a change in me, it is not necessarily bad, but I know I can do better. I just want to be a better Mother to C.J.
I actually started a few weeks ago:
C.J. now has a bedtime of 9pm. He is no longer napping during the day so this has been pretty simple to achieve. At 8:30pm he brushes his teeth, goes potty, and changes into his pj's. He is in bed by 9pm and usually out within 10 minutes.
We now wake up at least by 9am. Since Erick had returned to Japan, we've been sleeping in 'til about 10:30 or 11:00am - this just seems too late for me. So from now we wake up at 9am, I have coffee and he has breakfast.
Our schedule continues as follows:

All the things we do are not new to him, he's known all this for a while now, I just don't want him to forget these things. I know that this knowledge and education can only benefit him later.
Since his grandparents' Christmas gift of a Nintendo DS, all he wants to do is play it. I am no longer allowing this. He is limited to 2 hours per day of play on the Nintendo DS.

I have also limited the use of my laptop, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. I get emails and alerts to my Blackberry so there really is no reason for me to constantly be in front of the computer. I keep myself busy with C.J. and with daily household duties and at 5pm I have my workout time - everyday. I am now playing softball on Sundays so that is another form of "me" time and exercise I get.
And C.J. loves it because he gets to play in the park. (My friend Maria watches him as I play so she is a big help.)
I don't want to think that I am being strict, because that is not the case, but I also don't want to be labeled as a lazy Mother either. I didn't grow up with the attention from my parents that I would have liked and I don't want to smother him either, but I want him to know and trust that I will always support him and help him in any and every way possible.
I just want to do better for him....