There is so much going on now!
Let's start with the kid.
Since our move, there's been so many changes it needs to stop. Seriously. LOL
He has his first loose tooth which immediately made me super emotional! It is the front left center tooth. He is so excited! Everyday he says it's moving more and more. :)
I had to go through his clothes again and remove all the stuff that is too small. He still had 5t clothes in his dresser and closet. hahaha Everything has to be size 6 now and his shoes are size 12. WOW!
And lastly he has outgrown his convertible carseat and is now only in a booster. He is about 45 pounds now and 3.75 feet.
Stop growing!!!
Then yesterday, I was able to complete a life dream of mine, for him anyway. I've always wanted to be able to place C.J. in a private school and yesterday I was able to complete registration. I even got him his uniforms already. I am so excited for him and am thankful that God has opened this door for us. I think this is going to be a great path.
Now the reason I was able to do this for him is that I got a job!
I will be the Health Room Assistant/Receptionist at St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School. I am so excited for this opportunity. I begin work on the 11th.
Everyone seems super nice. I've met a lot of employees this week when I went in to finish up my paperwork. I even met a coworkers' daughter whom I may use as a babysitter for C.J. !
Not only is this going to be great for me, but it works out perfectly with the kids school schedule cause I will only be at work while he is in class.
We will have the same days off which will make it even easier on Erick and I since we don't have to pay for after school care.
This is the job I've been waiting for.
God has blessed us.
Things are going so well for us, I pray they continue this way.
Erick's job is going well. He's moving forward in his position and hopefully by the start of next year will move up in tiers. (Pays and positions have 3 tiers each.)
Our only main concern right now is making friends. My poor kid has been asking to see his best friend David, who lives 4 hours away. :(
I feel so bad for him.
But thankfully the school year begins in a couple of weeks and hopefully he will make some friends quickly.