- I wrote each of these posts a while back on a different site. Thought I would bring them over to Blogger and play catch-up and to add on as C.J. now turns 3 years old.-
My Lil Man! |
"Cristián Joaquin Mendoza was born on Sunday, October 5, 2008 at 5:30AM at
East Cooper Regional Medical Center in Mt. Pleasant, SC. His birth weight was 7 Pounds, 7 Ounces and was 20 Inches in length. He is the greatest gift we could have ever received! He is beautiful and absolutely perfect in every way. He truly is the biggest blessing in our lives and we couldn't be happier or ask for more! Becoming a Parent is the greatest feeling in the world and I am so thankful I finally know that feeling." - 10-08-08
Look who's 1! |
"I am sitting in bed wide awake and thinking of what is coming. My LiL Man's FIRST Birthday will be official in 6 hours. Wow! Where did all the time go? This past year has brought on so many wonderful moments. Like everyone, we've had our ups and downs but I have to say that this has truly been the best year of my life. I owe it all to the two most important men in it, E and C.J. My world was complete the moment our Son was born. He has made me a better person and I never knew I could be this good a Mother. It just amazes me at how natural it all felt from the beginning. I view the world through different eyes now. I am not the same person I was 10, 5, even 2 years ago. I am absolutely happy. C.J. is becoming a great little person. He is walking all over the place now and it is getting harder to keep up with him. :-) He has a small vocabulary of words that include, “Dada, Mama, Agua, and Bye.” I have no uncertainty that more will be following right behind. He is such a bright child and has already begun word associations as well. I am so thankful that I am able to be a stay-at-home Mom and be here with him day-to-day. I wouldn’t see it any other way. I cherish the time we spend together." - 10-04-09
C.J. turns 2! |
"So many changes in just 4 little months! SC to Texas and now Italy…God has plans.
Two Years Old!!!! That is what we have to look forward to in the next few days. It is absolutely amazing to know this little guy! It is a blessing to see each day with him. His vocabulary is expanding immensely. He can even count to 5 now! (Next are ABC's and then all over again in Spanish of course.) He is polite and charming and loving and silly all at the same time. :) We are working on potty-training at the moment so we will see how that goes." - 10-01-10
Three years ago, my life completely changed. My husband and I welcomed this beautiful bundle of squirminess into our lives! I was breathless as the nurse handed me my newborn son. The tears rolled instantly. I can still relive that moment in my mind as if it were yesterday.
It is hard to believe how fast my LiL Man is growing up. Time just keeps flying on by but at each turn there is something new and exciting.
C.J. is so smart - he still amazes me everyday. All the things he says, his character, his expressions, it is all so beautiful to take in. I'm excited to see the person he is and will become. I am so proud of him. OH! And he is officially potty-trained. (It took a total of 4 days.) He can also count to 20 in English, to 10 in Spanish, knows his ABC's -although not exactly in the right order ;) and of course has added many words to his vocabulary.
His favorite activities, thanks to my good friend -
Koren, include painting, coloring, and Play-Doh. He loves his Hot Wheels and has over 20 of them! He recently added a race-track to his collection which he cannot get enough of.
We play the Memory Game and Candyland and still continue to collect
Ugly Dolls. We love the diversity of it all.
It has been 3 wonderful years, we look forward to the many, many more.
I fall more in love with him as each day passes. He is my world and he owns my heart.
I love this kid. |
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