Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Job

I love my job! I really do. Granted I'm only going on two months of employment, but still, it's a nice feeling to actually enjoy where you head off to in the morning.
I've met some great people, and some not so much. (I try not to let those get to me.) But of course, what job doesn't come with it's downs…

My favorite part is that I get to see my kid throughout the day as well. Every once in a while, even for just a second, I see him. I know this is going to be extremely difficult come next fall, but for now I'm enjoying the heck out of it. ;)
I so love that all the kids know me as "C.J.'s Mom." And yell to me, every single one, every time they see me, "Hi, C.J.'s Mom!" It makes me laugh. They are slowly, coming around to Mrs. Laura.

C.J.'s best friend is David and he gives me kisses every time he sees me too. (He sees that I give C.J. kisses all the time so he thought he should get them too.) He also calls me Mama. <3
His parents are the nicest people too and we've even exchanged information to get the boys together on the weekends.

Things are going well. I'm exhausted, but I take that as a good sign.
I take an hour break Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 30 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I run on my hour breaks, (I have a free gym membership so I take advantage) and make quick errands on the other days. Sometimes, I just head into the office and sit and chat with my directors, Candace and Sarah. It's a nice change from the room and good company.

My days tend to go by pretty quickly. I'm in by 8:30am and out by 4:30pm on most days.
My coworker, Britney, is the lead teacher, she arrives at 7am and there is usually one or two babies and their parents waiting.  By the time I arrive, there are 5. By 9am, all 10 babies have made their way.
Our schedules are pretty hectic, between feeding schedules, diaper changes (as needed or every 2 hours), unscheduled naps, stroller walks, park play, and lesson plans - our day is nonstop! We try to have as much fun as possible. We have rough days, after all we are dealing with infants, but for the most part things go well.

All our teachers our CDA certified and some have their Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education. C.J.'s Lead Teacher, Mrs. Sherri was a Kindergarten teacher at a private school a few years ago. We love her!! She is amazing and C.J. adores her.

Both of the centers directors are also wonderful leaders. They have an open-door policy and keep in constant contact. They were wonderful enough to accept C.J. into their school and even more generous to give me a job. They understand how important our home lives and our families are, and accommodate all of us as well as possible.

Since I am now the assistant, I am working on all my trainings online to meet state requirements. :)
Things are going well and I couldn't be happier.
This is definitely something great that is helping me get back into the workforce.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My, My, Look who's Five.

We have reached yet another milestone! 5 Years Old!!
My goodness - the blink of an eye.

I know I write a blog about my LiL Man every year but I wanted to share something new with you this year. I actually did this with him when he turned 4 but he didn't quite understand most of the questions,

But this year he is wiser and better prepared ;)

20 Questions for C.J. :

1. What is your favorite color? Green
2. What's your favorite toy? Rex the dinosaur
3. What's your favorite fruit? Strawberries
4. What's your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
5. What do you like to have for lunch? Burgers
6. What is your favorite outfit? Green Lantern T-shirt
7. What is your favorite game? Star Wars
8. What is your favorite snack? Pretzels
9. What is your favorite animal? Elephants
10. What is your favorite song? Xbox Songs
11. What is your favorite book? Pirates go to School 
12. Who is your best friend? David (from his class)
13. What is your favorite cereal? Fruit Loops
14. What do you like to play outside? Play at the park. 
15. What is your favorite drink? Milk
16. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
17. Who do you like to take with you to bed at night? Dave Darinko (Ugly Doll) 
18. What do you like to have for breakfast? Toast with Jelly
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pizza
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? (He doesn't seem to understand this question yet. He says "bigger.") 

Here you go; A little something about C.J. :)
I'm excited to try this again next year and see how much his answers change.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I've been hired!

And I have a job!!!

I am officially an employee of the Habersham YMCA Pre-School and the Child Care Center.
Although I have to admit that I was becoming a tad discouraged, I continued to pray and God answered me.
I am thrilled about this position!
The best part is that for the rest of this year I will be working at the same place C.J. attends school. I will go in after he does and be out with him as well.
It just fits perfectly into my expectations and my time.
All next week I will be working in the infant room - I LOVE BABIES!
This is going to be great!

Now to find us a home.. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

♫ These are a few of my favorite things... ♫

My Boys. <3 (All 4 of them.) ;)  I honestly do not know where I would be without these guys.
Hand written letters in the mail - A wonderful and warming surprise to find one of these when I open that mailbox.
Family photos - Year round and on special occasions. I need to think about where I want us to do our photos this year and when!
Reading - I LOVE BOOKS!
Crossword puzzles
Running - My escape. Doesn't matter how tired, pissed off, or sick I am, a run can fix it anything.
The Sutliff's - My favorite family of three. I love them more than anything. Phone calls, texts, photos, cards, gifts, and trips are always something to look forward to.
Acting - My passion, my dream.
Coffee - It completes me. And yes, this includes Starbucks. Hello my name is Laura and I am an addict.
Champagne - Mimosas in the morning or bubbly at night, one of my favorite drinks.
Movies - Horror
The Truex's
Music - Goo Goo Dolls, 311
SHOES (I own about 60 pairs, I think.)
Potatoes - Fried, Mashed, Whipped or Baked
Soccer - It makes me so happy the kid is so into it as well.
My LiL Sis - I love my sister so much! We didn't always have the best relationship but nothing can break our bond now. <3
Sex and the City
Will & Grace
C.J.'s GodMother and my favorite cousin, Monica.
The Thompson's

Monday, August 26, 2013

Officially a Pre-Schooler :)

Last week was C.J.'s first "week" of Pre-K. We got a call last Tuesday about an opening at the Habersham YMCA Pre-school, where C.J. had been on a waiting list since late June. Of course we accepted and went to get all of his paperwork filled out and his registrations completed.
He was so excited when we told him he was going to be starting school. :)
When we arrived at the school, we had a nice meeting with the Director and got a quick tour of the school. Then the paperwork. I guess since I never did it before, it didn't seem like such a big deal until now. So much paperwork....

So excited!!
We had to make a stop at the Savannah Health Dept. to get an Ear, Eye, and Dental check for C.J. and get his immunization record switched from Texas to Georgia. He ended up having to get a Hep-B shot but other than that it was no problem. It was also only a 2-hour wait to get these two documents. (I hope I never have to return there again.)
We went to Target to get his school supply list - many supplies..haha Easily $100 spent. All worth it. I wanted him to be prepared and set for the school year. He was very happy with his Super Mario Bros. backpack. :)
He was a little upset though after he realized he wouldn't be starting that day but quickly got over it as we explained he could start the very next day.

Heading to drop-off.

On Wednesday, bright-and-early, (7am to be exact) we were up and getting C.J. ready for his first day
of school. He was happy and in the best mood the whole time - made the day so much easier for me. I was on the verge of tears at every moment but he kept it together like a big boy for his Mommie and that in return made me keep it together.

The school is about a 25 minute drive from we currently live
but it's fairly easy and we don't hit too much traffic until we are down the road from the school itself.

We walked into the school and headed straight for his classroom to meet his teachers - Mrs. Sherri and Mrs. Katrina. Both sweet, delightful women.
He found his name, sat at his seat, and was ready to go.
No muss, no fuss.
I was so proud....and so emotional. :)

He had a great first day! He didn't nap at school that day but all went well. He told us about what he ate
and how his day went and when we asked him if he made any friends he said no, but it's okay. LOL
We had to laugh. He was so nonchalant about it!
It's like he understood it was just the first day and tomorrow he could make friends.
I can't believe how much he's grown up. And how mature he can be about situations...

Uncle Mike showed up about 4:30 at the apartment, walking through the door with a cake in hand and a candle lit. :)
C.J. was ecstatic! And I was in complete awe - he is the best.
It was a "Happy 1st Day of Pre-school" cake!
This kid is too spoiled by his Uncles. <3

He did so well all last week, every day at drop-off. And every day we pick him up his teachers always have good things to say. He behaves well and does what he's told and he doesn't fight with the other kids (one thing I'll admit, I was a little worried about). He's really been enjoying it. He asks every day if he's going to school. This weekend was tough for him, he kept asking why he wasn't in school on Saturday or Sunday - next week is gonna be worse with the 3-day weekend. :)

He loves school! And I'm so glad he's having so much fun. I hope he continues to do so.
I know it's only the beginning and he still has a long way to go but I want him to continue with this anticipation and excitement.
I pray he makes good choices.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I need a job...

We've only been in Georgia a few weeks now but I've been actively searching for employment since before we left Texas and still....nothing.
Not even a phone call for an interview.
I know I shouldn't be inpatient and things will fall into place on their own.
God is waiting for the right opportunity.
I'm just hoping to get some news soon.
C.J. is going to be heading to school soon and I've just reached the point where I'm ready to return to the workforce as well.
I've filled about 50 applications and sent my resumé to countless companies as well - I pray someone finds me. :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

And we're moving!

I am so excited to announce this new chapter in our lives. We're packing up and leaving Houston in just  a couple of weeks and heading to Savannah, Georgia. I am really looking forward to this.
It will be a new start, a new city, and definitely something we need.
I have been actively searching for employment in the area and haven't had much luck, so I hope once we get over there it will make the search a little easier.
On top of this, I can't wait to see my Mike's. ;) I've missed them.
We are praying that our transition is smooth and this will only continue to move our life forward.
Everyone please wish us safe travels and good thoughts for new career opportunities.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Had Enough

Have you ever just reached your breaking point and thought to hell with everyone and everything. After all, there is  only so much a person can take.
I love this song. 
The group is Breaking Benjamin and they can completely describe my feelings at this moment about a lot of issues and people right now. 

Milk it for all it's worth 

Make sure you get there first
The apple of your eye
The rotten core inside
We are all prisoners
Things couldn't get much worse
I've had it up to here
You know your end is near ♪ 

♫ You had to have it all
Well have you had enough?

You greedy little bastard
You will get what you deserve
When all is said and done
I will be the one
To leave you in your misery
And hate what you've become 

♪ Intoxicated eyes

No longer live that life
You should have learned by now
I'll burn this whole world down
I need some peace of mind
No fear of what's behind
You think you've won this fight
You've only lost your mind 

♫ You had to have it all

Well have you had enough?
You greedy little bastard
You will get what you deserve
When all is said and done
I will be the one
To leave you in your misery
And hate what you've become 

 Hold me down

I will live again
Pull me out
I will break it in
Hold me down
Better in the end
Hold me down  

♫ You had to have it all

Well have you had enough?
You greedy little bastard
You will get what you deserve
When all is said and done
I will be the one
To leave you in your misery
And hate what you've become 

 Heaven help you

Heaven help you  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Big Apple

Beautiful! Overwhelming! Everything I hoped it would be! I would move there tomorrow.
I joke with Erick and tell him that even if I could convince him to move, we could never afford it because I want to live on the upper east side and he's never gonna make that much. ;)
I've wanted to come here all my life and now my dream was finally coming true.
My best friend, Koren.
We had been planning this trip for over a year. Koren and I were in desperate need of a girls' trip and her sister Keri needed a place to celebrate her turning 21. So NYC it was!
I have to give many thanks to Koren and her mom, Patsy. They were generous enough to pay for our hotel and Koren paid for my dinners. She is the best! Super sweet and thoughtful, this trip couldn't have been possible without them. So THANK YOU, again!! :)

I packed my heavy coat as I looked at the forecast and saw that a lot of my weekend would be in the upper 30's. Even in the cold, I had the most amazing time - and would gladly go back. We took cabs and rode the subway, even getting on the wrong one that took us to Brooklyn, but we quickly returned to our correct stop. We walked a lot, more than I did in Vegas, and saw a lot of interesting people. Our favorite moment was while we were walking back to the hotel and some guy on the sidewalk told Koren that she looked, "Like a sexy bottle of Pepto-Bismal." LOL!!

But of course no trip comes without some kind of dilemma..I did the most boneheaded thing I have ever done in my life! We had been staying in Waco with family just days before my trip, to make the drive to Houston easier. We awoke at 2am to get in the car and drive the 3 hours to Houston from Waco so I could make my flight on Thursday. I had everything ready and together so as I could grab it all in the morning without having to worry about missing anything.
We drove the 3 hours to the airport and as I was grabbing my carry-on, I realized I had forgotten my purse!! No cards, no cash, no license!! I, of course immediately began to panic and almost burst into tears. I just could not believe I had done that. Erick of course, being the calm person he is, helped me to relax and told me just to try and get through worse case, I would board a later flight. He called my brother-in-law and had him take photos of my license and passport and send them to my phone.
So as nervous as I could possibly be, I checked-in and headed to security. When my turn came, I walked up to the TSA and said, "You're gonna hate me for this but I just drove 3 hours from Waco to make my 7am flight and I completely forgot my purse. I have no identification with me."
The agent was super helpful....and nice!!!
He told me not to worry, that they couldn't use the pictures but he just had to call a number to verify who I was and my information. He made a quick call and after just a few minutes of questions he signed a sheet to let me go forward, but I would need a pat-down.
I told him I didn't care. As long as he let me get on the flight, it was okay.
The woman that handled the extra security check was also extremely nice.
I was so thankful that I was able to get such understanding TSA agents, most of them won't even smile or talk to you. They even held conversations with me the entire time and assured me not to worry, that I would make my flight.

I flew into Newark Airport on Wednesday morning. Leaving at 7am to arrive just before 3pm in NYC.When I arrived in New Jersey, I took the Newark Airport Express to the city. I got to see the Lincoln Tunnel and was immediately surprised at its' size. It is tremendously tiny! I thought the cars were going to run each other off the road. I guess camera's and television really do make things look bigger than what they truly are.

Paramount Hotel

After I was dropped off at the Port Authority, I walked the seven blocks to the Paramount Hotel on
46th. The hotel is literally right off of Times Square and is such a beautiful hotel. The lobby was incredibly romantic, (not that any of us were interested as we were 4 ladies.) But there were comfortable couches, dimmed lighting, and a quaint fireplace towards the back.
Our room was on the 15th floor, right out of the elevators. The hotel had these really cool mirrors that were located next to the wall of our room. They displayed the weather for the day. Needless to say, they did not change our
entire weekend. ;) The room was quite quant and actually reminded me a lot of the European hotel rooms. We had two beds and a bathroom which in all honestly is all we needed. We spent majority of our time walking around New York, we were only in the room to shower and sleep.

After we checked in and dropped off our baggage we headed out and visited Times Square. We basically just walked around and took a couple of photos. Of all the places we visited and walked
around New York, Times Square was definitely the most crowded - ALL THE TIME! There was always hundreds of people. This is definitely a tourist location.

We were all pretty much starving so we hit up a small diner for a little snack. One thing I really loved about any of the places we went to eat were that the portion sizes were huge! Everything was of course pricier, but the serving size really did make the difference. I ordered some fried macaroni & cheese potatoes, Koren and Keri both ordered the fried chicken tenders and Kristi ordered the popcorn chicken. All of our "snacks" turned out to be full course meals - and we had all ordered off of the appetizer menu! It was all delicious but definitely more than we had expected.

We walked around a little more after that just taking in the city and then decided to do some shopping too. We had dinner that night at an Italian restaurant named, Sophia's. Then went out for drinks with a friend, Amy, to celebrate Keri's birthday. (Amy went to school with Keri and is currently an intern at The David Letterman Show.) We hit up a quiet bar had some wine and just chatted away.

Thursday was mostly spent walking around Manhattan. We saw the Rockefeller Center and I got see St. Patrick's Cathedral from across the street. They were in the middle of renovating and had scaffolds all around the church. We also visited many shops, where the girls and I got a few souvenirs and clothing. We grabbed coffee and then headed for lunch at a restaurant named, Lindy's that was definitely not worth the wait. The service was absolutely horrible! And the food was terribly overpriced. This was definitely our least favorite place in all of NYC.

That afternoon we had the SATC Tour, which Koren had totally scheduled and planned herself. We had to make a quick walk to the other side of town to the Plaza Hotel where the tour bus would be waiting. Only a true SATC fan can understand my excitement. The tour included information from all 6 seasons and the 2 motion pictures.

Koren had been on it once a couple of years back and raved so much about it, I knew I had to do it too. :) It was definitely a ton of fun! Our guide was witty and got everyone involved in the tour. We had little show quizzes where she handed out little paddles for anyone who guessed the questions correctly. We also saw clips from different episodes and they took us all around NYC pointing out places seen on the show. We stopped at a sex toy shop where unless you've watched the show, they sell something specific that was shown. Then we stopped in Greenwich Village at Magnolia's bakery where our tour guide got us all a delicious cupcake.
We also made a stop at Buddakan where Big and Carrie's rehearsal dinner was held.

Our last stop was at Steve & Aidan's Bar "Scout" that is really named, Onieal's, where we enjoyed, you guessed it, a Cosmopolitan. The bar is absolutely
gorgeous - the design and decor is absolutely exquisite. I have never seen a place like that before.
Our tour ended at the HBO studios.

After that we walked around lower Manhattan and walked towards ChinaTown and Little Italy. Very interesting to see. It really reminded me of downtown Brownsville the way the shops are set up down the street. We took a cab back to Union Square and picked the first pizza place we found to sit down and have dinner. We were not disappointed. It was a tiny restaurant that sat about 20 people so it was a little crowded but the pizza was great.
When we got back to the hotel, we were kind of tired and decided on staying close instead of heading out walking again and just went downstairs to the bar in our hotel for more drinks. We ordered a bottle of sparkling wine and shared between the four of us. It was something mellow that we all needed from that day.

On Friday we visited more places we took the 6 and headed towards the South Ferry and walked to the
9/11 Memorial. It was actually kind of surreal standing there. I just kind of stood there and took it all in. Where the towers once stood is completely fenced in and covered with black tarp - no one is allowed to look inside. You pay or can order tickets online, to enter the museum - we did neither. Just being there was enough. I also didn't realize how much of a tourist attraction it is. I thought there was way too many people but what can you do.
After that we had lunch at a lovely diner called, George's.  Food was delicious! I would gladly return to this restaurant. Even with the crowding, it was certainly worth it.
We then took a short train ride to the South Ferry where we walked a short distance to the Statue of Liberty. I admired her from afar as there was too long of a wait to get to and from the island. Ferry's take a while to load and cruise over and then it takes about another 2 hours or so to get back. So we just took a couple of photos and admired the scenery.
Next we walked towards the subway again to head uptown to see

The Empire State Building. Another tourist attraction that was full! It literally
reminded me of airport security and I overheard an employee say that it would take about 2 hours to get trough security alone. So I sighed and headed back out. Our time was scheduled and we really did not have 2 hours to wait in line. At least I can say that I've seen them. :)
Once again we headed for coffee and then went out shopping. Koren was insistent on finding a Kate Spade store which we were all for. We did a lot more walking and subway riding that afternoon - there is just so much to see and we had nowhere near all the time we wished we had.

That night we met up with a cousin of Keri's, Natalie, at a macaroni and cheese diner in the east Village known as S'MAC - Sarita's Macaroni & Cheese. It was the best mac & cheese I have ever had! I ordered the Garden Lite that had a variety of vegetables mixed in. They are all made to order in iron skillets and this small place gets packed so come early or be prepared to wait. After dinner, Natalie took Otto's Shrunken Head where they make specialty drinks in fun, weird, and cute mugs that you get to keep. They had great drinks and while the girls were catching up I was able to watch an episode of Ghost Adventures I had missed, on the tv. hahaha We all had a really good time.

Our last few hours: Saturday morning we got up and finished packing. We headed downstairs and
walked a block to have brunch at the Blue Fin. I had the french toast - it was divine! This restaurant was definitely upscale. The decorum was fabulous! The walls had paintings that almost gave a sense of "pop-up" art. It was really beautiful.

Once we got our baggage and checked out, we all headed to the port authority and said our goodbyes. Our buses were heading in different directions at different times.
It was very difficult. I tried not to cry but that didn't happen. Not only would I miss the city but I would miss my friend more than anything. It had been at least a year and a half since the last time. She is someone who means so much to me, she is someone I can always rely on and confide in. I hope and pray that I get to see her soon, again.
And one day, go back to the city.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cruise 2013

Erick wanted to do something nice for his parents, after all even through all our disagreements; they’ve done so much for us. He wanted to do something nice for them…something different. We were torn between Vegas and a Cruise. We decided to do things as a family. We looked around and found fairly good deals at and we booked a 5-day cruise in September to the Yucatan and Cozumel. We scheduled the trip for January 19 just a week from returning to the states from Italy.

Photo taken before boarding
Our port of call was Galveston, TX – about half an hour from where we had been staying that week.  We arrived at noon that Saturday to begin registration and boarding. We were to set sail at 4pm and it took us about 3 hours to get through boarding…CRAZY!
It was basically the same procedures as going through the airport. We had baggage drop-off, then got in line for security checks, then in another line for cruise registration and then finally on the ship.

At registration they take your passports, finished any extra changes you needed to make and then every person is handed a key card. This card is used to enter and exit the ship at docking, it is used to open the room doors, to open the safe in the room, and finally as a credit card to charge all expenses to. Your photo is also taken before boarding to monogram into the card.

We headed straight to our rooms to drop off the little extra bags we had with us and then to explore the boat a little.
When booking, we asked that our staterooms be close by; we were able to get some right next door to each other.
We had balcony suites and we asked that the partition that divided the two be removed to make it one large balcony as we were family and didn’t mind.

Our rooms were located on Deck 6, one floor above the meeting floor for emergencies. It was a little bit of a maze at first, we took the elevator to the 6th deck then as you exit you can either go left for odd numbers and right for even numbers (of course depending on which elevator you exit from).  Well you had to walk down one hallway and turn into another small corridor, but I would always forget which one and would end up walking all the way around! I think I finally got the hang of it on my last day.

The room basically reminded me of the hotel we stayed at in Rome. :) There was enough room to walk through and that’s about it.
As you open the door, to the left, there is a cabinet where the safe is found, followed by two small closets. The bathroom is to the right, with a standing shower.
You take a couple of steps and there is a large mirror on the left with some drawers. To the right of that is a small sofa that would be turned into a bed for C.J. every night. And of course our bed was right next to it.  
A couple more steps after that to the left was another cabinet where the television was placed and that also provided more storage underneath.
Shortly after that was the door to exit onto the balcony which contained a small table and 2 lounge chairs.
We actually really enjoyed our rooms. We were able to store everything away so nothing was lying around and the bed was extremely comfortable as well.

Our bags had still not arrived at our rooms so we headed out to explore. Lunch was being served on the Lido deck (9th) so we headed over to grab a small bite. There were a couple of stands throughout the 9th deck. They had a Chinese restaurant, and Italian, a Grill, a Sandwich shop and a buffet. You could eat all day at any of these or if you wanted to sit in the main restaurants, (there are 2, London and Paris Dining hall), only breakfast and dinner are served here.
After lunch, we stood on the top deck for a while taking a few photos and headed back inside before realizing we had already begun moving.

An announcement was made shortly there after about having ALL passengers meet on Deck 5 in our designated areas. (On your ship card there is a letter imprinted, that is the designated area you are to go to incase of an emergency.)
Once everyone was down there, they made an announcement over the intercom about what rules to follow. Just a quick “know-how” about what to do; it lasted about 15 minutes.
We returned to our rooms to find our bags waiting outside for us. We all decided to unpack and get completely settled.

We were able to catch just a little of our first show before dinner. (We signed up for “late” dinner, which was at 8pm).
We would have our dinners in the Paris Dining Room every night – I loved it! The food was fabulous. Every night there was something different on the menu and it was definitely 5 star qualities. From the 5 nights, we had different selections such as filet mignon, lobster, frog legs, crocodile, steaks, fish – you name it, they had it. And the desserts – AMAZING!! They had a lovely wine selection as well.
The staff was wonderful! They always knew to place a booster seat on C.J.’s chair, and knew he would ask for fruit. :) They were super attentive and even learned our names. In the middle of dinner, they would even put on little shows of singing and dancing. They were very entertaining!

After dinner, we explored a little more, took more photos, and decided to drop C.J. off at the Camp Carnival.
-       The ship had a daycare available from 10am to 10pm, free of charge, called Camp Carnival. They separated children by age; C.J. was included in the 4 to 6 years. They would give us an itinerary everyday of what they would be doing throughout the day and when pick up times were. We were assigned a cellphone directly from the staff to call us incase the children needed us. After 10pm began the Night Owls program which was a babysitting service. They staff charged $6.50 an hour and were open until 3am. -
C.J. LOVED Camp Carnival and the Night Owl program, he would ask to go back every day!

After dropping him off that first night, we headed to a couple of the clubs and the casino just for a couple of hours. One club we returned to every night was a Latin club. There was a live band that played a lot of music we’ve grown up with and all still enjoy dancing to. When we returned to our room, C.J.’s bed had been made and we had a little towel seal waiting for us with chocolates. :) (Every night a different towel animal was placed on our bed with more chocolate.)

The next day was a day sent at sea. I woke up early to head up to the 11th deck to run. There was a small track up at the top – 11 laps equaled 1 mile. My run was amazing! The sun was warm and the sea surrounded us for miles. There was a soft cool breeze. I wish I could have runs like that daily.
Rome Theater Hall
Later that day we headed to the London Dining Hall for a wine tasting. We had 8 different kinds of wines, some cheeses, fruit, and crackers. It was a delicious hour! :)
We caught another show that night before dinner. The entertainment staff – singers and dancers, would put on little Broadway type shows. We all really enjoyed them. They had a different one every night.

The next morning we landed in Progreso, Yucatan. We ordered room service early enough to be off the boat by 8:30am. Our tour guide was waiting for us just out of the shops at the port. Our guides’ name was Russell and he did a fantastic job! He drove us about an hour until we reached the pyramids in Uxmal. They were amazing to see. A local himself, of Mayan heritage, Russell explained a lot about the Mayan culture and life and also what each pyramid represented or who lived there.

Uxmal was settled in 500 B.C. There is believed to have been about 25,000 inhabitants. There are underground cisterns and a complex drinking water system that utilized rainwater. The structures are arranged around the courtyards to form quadrangles. All their decorations included: gods, animals, dignitaries, and even geometric forms.
Russell explaining the calendar

We saw a large pyramid as soon as we walked in and then headed to a section of 4 structures arranged in a large square; we saw an actual Mayan calendar.
We got to see a run down section of where “The Ballgame” was held. (The game was played by rulers and at times included captives to humiliate. The ball could only be touched with hips, elbows, and knees.)

One thing I thought was a trip were all the lizards found everywhere. They are so used to visitors that they don’t even run away as you near them. There were so many of them! I think I counted about 30 from all sizes.

The largest pyramid was the Governor’s palace of course; it was massive! We counted over 100 steps. Erick and his Dad along with  Russell decided they would climb to the top – we had a nice view from the ground. :)

We saw an actual home used by regular town people. There were small holes in the corners of the ceiling used for ventilation and heat. The Mayans were a very intelligent people.

On the way back we stopped in the market and C.J. and I were able to take photos with a baby jaguar and a small long-tailed monkey. They were absolutely adorable! And of course I wanted to bring them back with me. I held the baby jaguar and fed it milk from a bottle; the little monkey sat on C.J.’s head. :) The jaguar was heavier than I expected but beautiful. His claws were long as well but he didn’t scratch me. What gorgeous animals!

The next morning we arrived in Cozumel. It was a little cloudy but the sun was very warm. We exited the ship just before 9am and stopped at the local market at the dock to take some photos and look for a few souvenirs to purchase later.

We took a taxi to a private beach just 10 minutes down the road.
It was $2 per person to get in, except C.J. And if you paid $10 more you had access to everything available: life vests, canoes, jet skis, parasailing…everything.
Erick paid for himself since he would be doing most of the activities with C.J. The rest of us got comfortable on the beach chairs, under an umbrella.

The water was absolutely gorgeous; beautifully clear, turquoise water! I have never seen anything like that. The sand was white and soft and wouldn’t stick to you either.

My in-laws and I sat and soaked up the sun while the boys played in the water and on the slides and other inflatable contraptions that were laid out in the water.
After a good while, we decided to head to the pool section, found just before heading on to the beach. We ordered drinks and played in the heated pool while waiting for the food we had ordered.

I have to say that we were all very impressed with the drinks and the food at this little local restaurant. Portions were astounding and the prices were even more than reasonable. We would gladly return to this private beach just for the food alone.

Our final day at sea was just relaxing. We walked around the ship a little more. Enjoyed some more cocktails and later that night got dressed for an elegant family photo. 

Our return was just slightly bittersweet. We were ready to head home and see our families but really enjoyed our 5 days aboard the Carnival Triumph.

In light of recent news coverage, I feel so incredibly bad for the passengers that were stuck on the cruise ship, just after we had disembarked, but I am super thankful that my family and I were lucky enough to have gotten a sooner cruise and not have to go through this horrible experience.
That being said, I had an amazing time on the cruise; we all did. And it was a first time for all of us – even C.J. loved it!
The food was wonderful – I am super picky. And the entire staff was super attentive, (my father-in-law is a diabetic and we thought he had a mini fridge in his room but turned out he didn’t), they made sure to constantly have fresh ice rotated in his room for his insulin.
Even with everything that has happened I can say that I would still want to take another cruise in the future.
Just like all other companies, especially those that travel, something can always happen. This to me is an “isolated” incident (of sorts) just like airlines, or having a car accident, or a train derailing – no one has a perfect track record.
I am still WAY more afraid of flying than I am of getting on another boat and I do that all the time!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Heading back....for a little bit.

Today is my last day in Italy. Tomorrow begins our 24 hour long journey back to the States. :)
Our flight out of San Vito is at 2:30pm; we arrive in Milan to connect to Paris, at 6:00pm. We will spend the night in Paris as our flight is not until 10am, Saturday. Our flight to Houston will be 10 hours....ugh...
But I am excited! It's hard to believe, I've been out of the country for 9 months now...Wow!
I can't wait to see all my family and as many friends as I can. I am thrilled to meet the new baby boys in the family. I will be so happy to see all my brothers and sisters - it's been a while.
Our first week will be spent in Houston as C.J. has his 4 year check up and I also have doctors' appointments.
I am excited and a little nervous about our cruise too. (On the 19th we head out of Galveston with Erick's parents for a 5 day cruise to Cozumel.) It will be the first time for EVERYBODY. I am hoping we all handle it well, especially C.J.
After we get back we will be in Brownsville for a couple of weeks and then head up to Austin the second week in February to visit my older brother and his family.
We want to make trips out to Florida and South Carolina too but we will see.
This will be a nonstop visit..
So much to do, so many people to see.
We have plans to return to Italy in April but it may be sooner, it all depends on the work. Right now we are just playing it by ear.

I have packing to finish :)

I appreciate good thoughts for our trip.

See you all soon!!