Saturday, December 22, 2012

C.J.'s "Uncle" Mike's

Okay, so I've had a few people ask me about two certain young men in our lives that are constantly in my pictures. So I thought I'd take a little time and let you know a little about them. I am referring to C.J.'s, Uncle Mike's. Yes, there are two of them. :)
We met both while living in Japan and they are the only two great things I got from being there. They both work for the same company Erick works for.
What makes this relationship even better is that Mike and Mike have known each other for years now - they are really good friends.
And now they have become so dear to us that we most definitely consider them family.
And they are so good to C.J. - someone of course who is not related to them but they do so much for him and care for him as if he was  blood.
I am always touched by their generosity and love. But I constantly have to get after them. I think they spoil C.J. more than we do!

With Uncle Mike in Ostuni, IT
This Uncle Mike is Mike Nation from Alabama. Literally a kid at heart. He comes from a great extended family. We share so many things in common and are constantly making each other laugh. We have a lot of fun using Instagram, tagging each other in funny photos that remind us of one another.
Mike and I can talk about absolutely EVERYTHING - religion, politics, people. Something I don't and can't do with a lot of people, really. He laughs at my sarcasm and how blunt I can be.
He is determined and driven and has a "good head on his shoulders." He carries lots of ambition, that I definitely see huge successes in his future.
We talk and say when C.J. is older he will spend summer's at Uncle Mike's house and give us a break.

With Uncle Mike in Nagoya, 

This Uncle Mike is Mike Holtorf of Minnesota.
And the second youngest {next to C.J. ;) } in our group. Born in '86, I am another "Mom" to him - not literally, mostly figuratively, we joke.
We spend our days chatting and playing Words with Friends or Domino! (He'll cut me off from playing against him sometimes because he hates when I beat him.)
Next to my best friend, he has turned into someone I am very close to and can rely on. We can talk about our lives and always have good advice for one another. I've truly come to trust him in all aspects.
He is one of the nicest people I have met; a true sweetheart.
He has the best time with C.J. playing cards or phone games.
He has traveled everywhere and will soon be joining us here in Italy! I can't wait to see him!

These two men will definitely continue to always be a huge part in our lives. They've proven to be more reliable, giving, and helpful than a lot of people we've known our whole lives.
And always in competition to see who will get C.J. the better gift. haha
I love them like brothers.
Another plus is how they will ask me to cook for them. If you really want a compliment to go to my head, ask me to cook or bake for you. I love doing it already as it is but it's an awesome feeling to have someone other than my husband and child ask for something specific.
And to the single ladies - these handsome men are still up for grabs so if you are interested in these hard working guys, let me know. ;)
I can always put in a good word.


  1. Yay for a lot of love, Laura! Both sound great and CJ is such a happy little seeing his smile!
